City of Plainview Awards Scholarships

The City of Plainview recognized three UCHS graduates for their outstanding achievement at the June meeting of the Board of Alderman. Mayor Gary Chandler and Vice Mayor Richard Phillips rewarded Seth Beeler, Samantha Sutton, and Destini Thomas with a plaque and a $500 scholarship.

Seth Beeler, a valedictorian, will attend UT Knoxville in the fall to major in pre-medicine. He plans to eventually study optometry. Seth participated in the UCHS Health Occupations Program and did his clinical internship with Dr. Tommy Louthan of Halls Vision Clinic.

County spending grows, tax rate drops in new budget

Union County property owners will see their taxes drop in the 2017-2018 fiscal year, even though Union County Commission approved a budget June 12, with expenditures topping last year’s budget by more than $1.7 million. Union County Mayor Mike Williams said the tax decrease is probably attributable to the recent property reappraisal. The property tax rate will drop from $2.17 to $2.1399 for every $100 of taxable property.

I'm your donor. God told me to give you a kidney.

That’s what the man at my door said two years ago. I'm your donor, God told me to give you a kidney. I had only seen this man a few times before he showed up at my door late one night.

Nine months before this night, I lost both kidneys due to vasculitis, an auto immune disease. I had been working for Union County School System and school had just started back. I was feeling sick and thought I had picked up a bug until I started passing blood in my urine. I went to the doctor and by the time we found out what was going on, it was too late. I had lost both kidneys.

Honoring our Ancestors

Union County has many historic sites, and it will take years to even try to identify and mark all of them. It’s a work in progress. In 2016, with the help of Roads Superintendent David Cox, Preservation Union County has been able to get signs placed for three more sites: Ailor Mill, Union County’s only Hanging Site where Clarence Cox and John Stanley were hung on December 22, 1894, and Lost Creek School. Thank you Mr. Cox and your crew. I’ve previously written about these sites, but for our young people who may not have access to the Union County history books, I’ll write again.

The City of Luttrell is taking applications for a new City Recorder

City Recorder position for the City of Luttrell. High school education required; preferably an Associates degree in business with 5 years of office experience. Must be a Certified Municipal Finance Officer or the ability to obtain certification within twelve (12) months of hire and possess a valid Tennessee driver license. Send resume and cover letter to: City of Luttrell, P.O. Box 82, Luttrell, TN 37779

Our office number is 865-992-0870 if you need additional information.

Linda Merritt
City Recorder

Have It Your Way -- Corn Meal Dumplins or Corn Meal Mush

Have It Your Way–Cornmeal Dumplins or Cornmeal Mush

I recently dropped by the Union County Museum where friends had brought lunch. Wanda Byerley was kind enough to fix a plate for me. Barbara Ailor Hooks chocolate pie was to die for as was Polly Shope Joran’s Corn Meal Dumplins. I don’t know who cooked the Pinto Beans, but they were really good also.
What I didn’t know is that Polly is an expert on the subject of Corn Meal Dumplins. She’s collected seven recipes. What I told her is, “Never mind the other six, I want the one you used today." Here it is:

Want to join Sons of the Revolution or Daughters of the Revolution?

For those interested in becoming a member of Sons of the Revolution or Daughters of the Revolution, you may be interested in knowing that more information is becoming available every day with much easier access. Lots of the old books are being indexed. Recently, a cousin visited Washington County, Maryland, where our German ancestors, the Heiskells and the Steidingers, lived after coming to America. One of the Steidinger daughters married Adam Ott and here is his Revolutionary War Commission and Record. Col. Adam Ott is my great-great-great Uncle.

Decoration Day, at Union County Veterans Wall, by Air Force Colonel, Rick Riddle

Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for remembering those
who died while serving in the country's armed forces. This holiday, which is
currently observed every year on the last Monday of May, originated as
Decoration Day after the American Civil War.
On this day many people visit cemeteries and memorials, particularly to honor
those who have died in military service. Many volunteers place an American
flag on each grave in national cemeteries.

Getting To Know Knoxville Soap and Candle Factory

On a pretty summer day, my daughter & I were looking for gift shops when we came across the Knoxville Soap & Candle Shop. We were impressed by the variety in the store. I asked if they were hiring. I had worked for 35 years, was now retired, and I was bored to death. The answer to my question was yes. They were looking to hire a candle maker. Well, I thought why not, I am a fast study. So, I went to work the next day as a part time employee. Then in 2005 the place that made the all-natural soap was closing and after much persuasion I took the job.