Snow, white

The color of snow is taken for granted, but the whiteness has a reason for being.

I’m not sure many of you want to revisit the topic of snow after the past couple of weeks, but every now and then I get nailed with a good question: Why is snow white? And where does the white go when it melts? The answer requires an understanding of light.

Mock Turtle Soup

The title is misleading. There isn’t even a hint of turtle in this soup, but it's good. Melt margarine in large kettle. Add onions, celery and carrots. Sauté until tender, but not browned. Add diced beef and flour, stirring to mix well. Add stock and milk, stirring as it thickens. Simmer 20 minutes. Add chopped eggs, salt and pepper just before serving.

Oh, the ‘I-ron-i-city’ of it!

My friend Sharon McDonald used to delight in telling of a former pastor of Maynardville Baptist Church who was scandalized by the increasing trend for people to wear less clothing on television and in public. He would occasionally exclaim from the pulpit, “Oh, the nu-did-i-ty of it!”
Another element of our society that many times goes unappreciated is irony. Irony is defined by Webster’s New World Dictionary as “a way of being amusing or sarcastic by saying exactly the opposite of what one means” or “an event or a result that is the opposite of what might be expected.”

Spring Tour With Museum Mike!

"Come by the Lenoir Museum at 1:00pm on Saturday's throughout the spring for a tour with Museum Mike! These tours will occur on a weekly basis. These tours are completely free, but please consider registering and donating to the Museum! 100% of your donation stays in our Lenoir Museum and is used for programs, interpretive displays, and other improvements. Thank you for your ongoing support!