Plainview citizens oppose ordinance amendment

Jeff Collins, a large property owner and one of Plainview's founders, addresses the Board of Alderman at the January meeting to speak against Ordinance 165.
Over 30 citizens attended the Plainview Board of Alderman Meeting on last month to voice their opinion on Ordinance 165, which would amend the Zoning Ordinance of Plainview to allow up to four additional dwellings other than the primary dwelling without subdividing the property.
Most citizens who spoke appeared to oppose the amendment. Alderman Josh Collins maintained that the amendment was unnecessary since the few large landowners who may want to put a relative’s house on their property could request a variance. He made a motion allowing the variance for a particular property owner who spoke in favor of the amendment, but the motion failed.
Several citizens were concerned that the wording of the ordinance would allow large property owners to subdivide their property into 10-acre tracts and then put four mobile homes on each tract. This action seemed to be at odds with another ordinance that does not allow new mobile home parks in Plainview. Alderman Rebecca Lock spoke passionately in favor the amendment and in support of property rights for landowners to have the right to develop their land as they choose. However, after she heard several property owners voice that they liked the current regulations and did not want to see mobile home parks spring up on large tracts, Lock moved to tweak the language to address the mobile home park concerns and establish a minimum number of acres per dwelling. The motion passed with only Collins providing a negative vote. According to Mayor Lynn Beeler, the Plainview Planning Commission will need to start the process of revising the proposed amendment.
Another ordinance was approved on second reading. Ordinance 164 would allow property owners in all zones to construct auxiliary dwelling units (ADU). Units would be restricted in size to half of the primary dwelling or 1200 sq. ft., whichever is less. Only one ADU is permitted per lot and the ADU may be within, attached to, or detached from the primary dwelling. A mobile home ADU is restricted to zone AR-1. All require a building permit. Other restrictions apply.
Police Chief Crider reported 46 calls in December with 6 citations, one arrest, and incidents investigated. For 2024, there were 486 calls, 88 citations, 13 arrests and 73 incidents. The Union County Sheriff Department made an additional 15 arrests and worked 26 of the incidents.
The next Plainview meetings will be on February 11, beginning with the Planning Commission at 6:30 p.m. and the Board of Alderman to follow at 7. A 2-hour training on planning and ordinances will be held March 20 in Jefferson City. The training is free and the public is welcome to attend.
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