Chiropractic In The Military

The very nature of the job puts soldiers at an increased risk for developing chronic pain. The regular demands and stress are often multiplied when the tough-it-out mentality does not seek medical attention until serious, chronic pain results ... and it often does. Cumulative stress, single-event trauma, and surgery are all contributing factors. Although these will likely remain a constant of military service, chiropractic care may be a very helpful solution.

The Need for Alternative Treatments

Painkiller use and abuse is a problem among both active duty military and veterans. From 2001 to 2011, the use of opioids like hydrocodone by military personnel and veterans rose 56%. There’s no denying that opioid painkillers do relieve pain, but at what cost? They can be extremely addictive and often come with serious side effects. As one veteran noted, “my life revolved around when my next pill would come.”

Chiropractic Care is Available

For all military, active duty and veterans, alternative, non-drug pain relief is available today. legislation makes chiropractic care a permanent medical benefit for active duty military and veterans. This has led to a doctor of chiropractic at 60 military bases, and at the U.S. Capitol.

How Chiropractic is Helping

Active duty military personnel embrace chiropractic care and report that it enhances health and well-being while reducing stress. Surveys indicate military personnel take advantage of chiropractic services up to 7 times more often than civilians. While reducing stress can help prevent injury, chiropractic care has also been shown to address specific pain-related problems.

Presented as a service to the community by: Union County Chiropractic Clinic, 110 Skyline Drive, Maynardville, TN (865) 992-7000