Be careful how you sit

Many of us spend a good portion of our workdays sitting at a desk. Too much sitting, of course, is not good for anyone. We are not meant to be sedentary creatures. And recent research has concluded that it’s important for anyone who needs to sit for extended periods of time to get up and walk around at least once every hour.
But if sit we must, the worst position is upright at a 90-degree angle. That, at least, is the conclusion of a study done by a team of Scottish and Canadian researchers. In a report to the Radiological Society of North America, the researchers said the best position for sitting is leaning back at an angle of about 135 degrees.
The researchers examined 22 volunteers with healthy backs. They scanned them with a positional MRI machine, which lets patients move — including sitting or standing — during the exam. The patients were examined in three different sitting positions: a slouching position, in which the upper body is hunched forward, an upright 90-degree position, and a relaxed position leaning back at 135 degrees but with their feet on the floor. Disc movement and compression was least severe in the 135-degree position.
If you’ve been sitting the wrong way and you’re experiencing pain as a result, try making an appointment with a chiropractor. Chiropractors offer a proven, expert, non-opioid hands-on “gold standard” of physical medicine for low back pain.
Presented as a service to the community by: Union County Chiropractic Clinic, 110 Skyline Drive, Maynardville, TN (865) 992-7000
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