Union County Chiropractic

A call to action on lower back pain

A call to action on lower back pain remedies has been issued by prominent international researchers in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet. Recommendations include:

• Coordinated international leadership to drive transformational change across health and social services and occupational settings to stop fragmented and outdated models of care

• Development of evidence-based medical responses to low back pain emphasizing the concept of ‘positive health’ — the ability to adapt and self-manage in the face of social, physical and emotional challenges

Global burden of low back pain — a consequence of negligence and misinformation

A series of ground breaking research reports in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet warn that low back pain is a major health burden globally — across developed and developing nations — and that the current use of X-rays and scans, opioids, injections and surgery to investigate and treat the condition is useless, unnecessary and harmful.

Randomized trial finds therapies for spine pain improved disability and quality of life

Pain in the back or the neck is extremely common and accounts for more healthcare spending than any other health condition. A study compared two non-invasive interventions for treating spine pain, assessing both how well these methods worked at reducing pain and whether either method reduced spine-related healthcare spending.

Study finds “considerable uncertainty” around effectiveness and safety of analgesics for low back pain: part II

There is still a lack of high-certainty evidence on the effectiveness and safety of commonly used painkillers (analgesics) for short bouts of low back pain, finds an analysis of the evidence published by The BMJ.

Study finds “considerable uncertainty” around effectiveness and safety of analgesics for low back pain: part I

There is still a lack of high-certainty evidence on the effectiveness and safety of commonly used painkillers (analgesics) for short bouts of low back pain, finds an analysis of the evidence published by The BMJ.

Research: Back Pain Treatment for Teens ‘Ignores Big Picture Issues’: Part 1

New research has revealed that most treatments being offered to teenagers with persistent back pain are ‘outdated’ and ignore ‘big picture’ issues. The study has shown that new approaches to tackling back pain are not being tested among teenagers.

Researchers Describe Hands-On Treatments For Patients With Low Back Pain After Lumbar Spine Surgery

In a recent study, researchers found that patients who have recurrent or ongoing pain after lumbar spine surgery may seek out a therapy called spinal manipulation, which targets the joints of the spine. The study, published in Chiropractic & Manual Therapies, found that those providing spinal manipulation for these patients typically use gentle techniques.

Strengthen The Core

It’s good, of course, to keep all your muscles strong and limber. But the strength of the body’s core — the muscles in your belly and mid- and lower back — is one of the keys to long term health and stability as you grow older.

Age With Grace And Health

We are living longer and, if you play your cards right and have taken care of yourself, this is a wonderful thing. Good genes certainly help, but healthy lifestyle practices are just as important in continuing to live a productive life. Here are some tips the American Chiropractic Association recommends for aging with grace and health:

Chiropractic Care And Stress

Managing the stress in your life — and most of us experience stress to one degree or another — is essential to keeping a healthy lifestyle. Stress comes from many directions and makes itself known in a variety of ways. It might manifest as a headache, tight muscles, nausea or back pain.

Take A Walk

Walking may be, pound for pound, the most accessible, beneficial and inexpensive form of exercise available. The American Chiropractic Association recommends it as a way to stay fit.

Frozen Shoulder

‘Frozen shoulder’ is a term sometimes used loosely in connection with any type of persistent shoulder pain. But specifically it is the loss of arm movement at the shoulder joint.

The shoulder is the part of the body that is the third most common subject for chiropractic treatment, the lower back and the neck being the two most common. Frozen shoulder can be brought on by the trauma of a fall or car accident, or it may come on gradually as a result of muscle imbalance, overuse and irritation.

Chiropractic And The Weekend Warrior

You don’t have to be a professional athlete to benefit from the regular care of a chiropractor. But even if you are just a weekend warrior on the tennis court, softball field, or golf course, you should know that professional athletes make chiropractic treatment a regular part of their training and care. National Football league and Major league Baseball teams have long kept doctors of chiropractic on their medical staffs. And individual athletes as diverse as golfers, tennis players and rodeo riders get regular chiropractic treatment to hone their performances. The U.S.

Back Pain In The Workplace

You don’t have to be an ironworker to be at risk for back injury on your job. Every occupation, however physically undemanding it may seem, carries the potential for back injury. Even office work can pose problems. A physically intense job might put a person at greater risk for a serious accident, but the sedentary practice of sitting at a desk all day brings its own set of physical concerns.

How To Find And Pay For Chiropractic Therapy

Only a licensed chiropractor — a doctor of chiropractic, or DC — should perform chiropractic adjustments. In all 50 states and the district of Columbia, chiropractors must be an accredited DC and pass special state exams, exams administered by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, or both, to practice.

In order to become a DC, you have to complete on average three years of undergraduate instruction to be admitted to a program and then four years of training to graduate as a DC.

Your First Visit To A Doctor Of Chiropractic: What To Expect

During your first visit to a doctor of chiropractic you will likely discuss your present condition and health history, and then undergo a physical examination. Your chiropractor might order imaging or lab tests to determine what may be causing your issue(s). They may refer you to a different medical professional if necessary for your condition.

Your chiropractor will then explain your condition, develop a treatment plan, and review the risks and benefits of the treatment.

Chiropractic Care: General Health And Wellness Benefits

The word “chiropractic” comes from the greek words cheir (hand) and praxis (practice), which aptly describes this treatment approach. Chiropractic therapy (or chiropractic care) is a type of manual or hands-on therapy performed by a licensed chiropractor (doctor of chiropractic, or DC) to improve musculoskeletal health.

Chiropractic therapy focuses on treating disorders of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. It’s most often used to treat various types of pain.
