Union COunty BOard of Education

BOE names architect for middle school, fieldhouse named for Coach Kerr

The Union County Board of Education approved Lewis Group of Knoxville as architects for the proposed middle school in its December meeting.
Carrie Cooke, Purchasing Agent for the Union County Finance Office, chaired the nine-member committee. After several meetings over more than two months, the committee interviewed the highest qualified from the eleven firms who were interested in the project. Those firms made presentations and were ranked by the committee.

Reed elected BOE chair pro tem

Periodic absences for various reasons continue to cause the Union County Board of Education to barely have a quorum.
At the November school board meeting, Chairman David Coppock and Vice Chairman Marty Gibbs were absent along with Brad Griffey from Luttrell. Dr. Jimmy Carter, Director of Union County Schools, chaired the workshop and oversaw the election of Andrew Reed, who represents District 6 (Paulette), as the Chairman Pro Tem to preside at the November meeting.

Carter named East Tennessee Superintendent of 2022

Dr. Dale Lynch, Tennessee Organization of School Superintendents, appeared before the Union County Board of Education during the workshop in August to announce that Dr. James (Jimmy) Carter is the East Tennessee Region Superintendent of 2022.
The award is bestowed on the superintendent or director of schools who has exhibited outstanding leadership not just in his or her own system but through holding various positions of leadership throughout East Tennessee and the state.

Preliminary school budget balanced with no tax increase

Director Jimmy Carter offered the Union County Board of Education a balanced budget with no tax increase at the regular April meeting.
The budget meets Governor Lee’s request of a $40,000 beginning salary for teachers and building the current salary bonus into the overall certified employee pay scale.

School Board to use COVID-19 money to fund summer school with transportation

Dr. Carter discusses summer school plans

The impact of COVID-19 on learning, especially in elementary reading and math, continues to be a concern for Union County as well as our state and nation. To mitigate some of the pandemic's impact on learning, Dr. Jimmy Carter announced at the March Union County Board of Education meeting that summer school will be from June 1 through June 25 with a maximum class size of eighth students per teacher.

UCBOE applies for schools to be vaccine site for employees

January 2021 School Board meeting

At the regular January meeting of the Union County Board of Education, Dr. Jimmy Carter announced that the school system is applying to be a distribution site for COVID-19 vaccine in order to vaccinate school employees according to the established age groups.

School board prepares for openings amid pandemic

At the June 11 meeting, the Union County Board of Education began preparations to open schools for the 2020-21 school year. Director Jimmy Carter informed board members that he and his staff have been working with the state-supervised Union County Health Department to ensure that the state guidelines would be followed in relation to safe measures under the COVID-19 guidelines.

School Board adds bereavement leave to board policies

The Union County Board of Education continues to dispense with business in record time, according to Chairman David Coppock. The bulk of the meeting dealt with Tennessee School Board Association recommended amendments to the board policies.
One policy recommendation was postponed in order to refine the restorative practices for returning a suspended student, and the various disciplinary procedures that should be considered before any action is taken.

School Board Meeting July 2019

The monthly workshop and meeting for the Union County Board of Education was held Thursday, July 11, 2019. Among many projects, transportation for students to sporting events was brought up as a recurring request from parents of the high school student community to Board Member Marty Gibbs. Dr. Carter said that it is a goal to own a bus for every route plus have a spare one for events like this in the future. It has been recommended that coaches begin retrieving their CDL’s in case this is an option in the future, so they can transport their own teams when and where possible.
