HLG CEO addresses UCBPA

A man standing behind a lecturn

Steve Johnson addresses the Union County Business & Professional Association regarding his business, Horticulture Lighting Group..

Steve Johnson, CEO of Horticulture Lighting Group (HLG), addressed members of the Union County Business & Professional Association (UCBPA) at its August meeting.
Johnson related how HLG grow lights developed into the world's best horticulture lights in less than five years. He said that his desire to grow tommy toe tomatoes year round sparked his quest to develop the perfect grow light.

UCBPA awards scholarships to UCHS grads

A teenager and a man.  The man is handing the teenager a plaque.

President Martin Shafer congratulated Bryson Sharp as one of three UCBPA scholarship recipients.

Bryson Sharp and Draven Vermillion were recognized for their achievements at the Union County Business and Professional Association member meeting in August at the newly renovated Plainview Community Center. Both received plaques and lunch from Subway in addition to their scholarships.
Bryson will be attending Tennessee College of Applied Technology to become certified in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC). He began interning with Archer Air as part of his career and technical education at Union County High School.

Collins Insurance wins 2021 UCBPA Golf Classic

Men receiving award for golf tournament first place.

UCBPA President Martin Shafer (center) awards First Place Prize to Collins Insurance Team of Brad Hawkins, Josh Collins, Jeff Collins and Matt King.

Collins Insurance Agency took first place in the 2021 UCBPA Scholarship Benefit Classic held at Three Ridges Golf course in Knox County. Team captain Josh Collins also sponsored the Putting Contest.
Second place honors went to Ryan Burkhart's Team. When GRIID Infrastructure's team had a last-minute conflict, D Jay Taylor offered to play for GRIID. D Jay's team brought home third place for GRIID Infrastructure.

A taste of Maynardville for UCBPA

Mike Chesney, Maynardville City Manager, addresses UCBPA about the new water park.

Mike Chesney, Maynardville City Manager, treated UCBPA to more than a taste of the upcoming Maynardville projects at the May meeting of the Union County Business and Professional Association.
Chesney began with a splash from the new water park, which the pandemic has delayed to 2022 with maybe a quick bite at the end of this summer. The new guardrail on SR 33 will help provide a safer experience when the park opens.

UCBPA hosts 27th Scholarship Golf Classic on June 19

The 2021 Union County Business and Professional Association Golf Classic will be played at the beautiful Three Ridges Golf Course, 6101 Wise Springs Road, in Knoxville on June 19. Tee time is 1 p.m. with a barbeque lunch by Li'l Jo's included in the entry fee. Golfers will receive goody bags, door prizes, as well as compete for Closest to the Pin and Longest Drive.

UCBPA to host drive-in prayer breakfast

Picture of a cross with words telling about UCBPA Prayer Breakfast at Milan Church

UCBPA Prayer Breakfast

Union County Business & Professional Association will host its annual Prayer Breakfast as a drive-in event at Milan Baptist Church on Good Friday, April 2.
Pastor Jody Winstead will offer the prayer and the message. The choir will provide music. Members of the church will direct the parking.
Tindell's Farm House Bakery will offer a modified breakfast of juice or water, sausage-egg casserole, and a slice of honey bun cake for $10.

UCBPA turns 30

Union County Business & Professional Association will reach a milestone of 30 years of service this year, but the birthday celebration is postponed to 2021. When members voiced concerns about the size of the venue and whether or not the conditions would be safe under a pandemic, the UCBPA Board of Directors decided that COVID-19 protocols could not be ensured and voted to postpone the banquet.

UCBPA awards 2020 scholarships

Girl receiving a plaque for an academic scholarship

Savannah Jones receives the Jeffreys Memorial Academic Scholarship from UCBPA President Martin Shafer.

Union County Business and Professional Association awarded their 2020 scholarships at a recent meeting.
Receiving the Jeffreys Memorial Academic Scholarship is Savannah Jones. Savannah is currently attending UT Knoxville and majoring in food and agricultural business. She will receive a total of $3,125 to further her education.

UCBPA seeks nominees for Man and Woman of 2020

Union County Business and Professional Association is seeking nominees for the Man and Woman of 2020, and the public is invited to participate. If you know of a person who is a resident of Union County or gainfully employed Union County, you may want to send the name, the reasons for the nomination, your name, and your phone number to Shannon DeWitt by email to sdewitt@utk.edu or by mail to UCB&PA, PO Box 696, Maynardville, TN 37807. Nominations are due by October 20, 2020.

UCBPA hosts 26th scholarship golf tournament

First Place winner KCB Excavating, Kyle Beeler, captain

KCB Excavating edged out First Place at the 26th UCBPA Charities,Inc.Scholarship Tournament.
Offering congratulations is Martin Shafer, President of UCBPA.

The Union County Business & Professional Association hosted the 26th Annual UCBPA Charities Scholarship Benefit Classic at Three Ridges Golf Course in Knoxville on January 27.

Congratulations to UCBPA Man and Woman of 2019

UCBPA Man & Woman of 2019 Gary England and Ms. Melanie Dykes. Photo by Chantay Collins

Each year, the Union County Business & Professional Association chooses a man and a woman to serve as ambassador to promote cooperation among the business and professionals for the benefit of the citizens. These individuals exemplify the spirit of community service and use their knowledge and expertise to make Union County a better place to live, work, play and pray. The UCBPA Man & Woman of 2019 are Gary England and Melanie Dykes.

UCBPA Tops $100,000 in Scholarship Awards

BPA Scholarship Recipients: Ethan Dyer and Aimee Lefevers (Not pictured) Nathan Asher

BPA Scholarship Recipients: Ethan Dyer and Aimee Lefevers (Not pictured) Nathan Asher

Union County Business & Professional Association awarded scholarships to three Union County High School Graduates in 2019. Recipients spoke at the BPA June meeting and thanked the membership for their scholarships. Ethan Dyer received the Service Scholarship for performing over 200 hours of volunteer time to East Tennessee Children’s Hospital and another 100 hours at Milan Baptist Church and as a coach for Union County Youth Basketball. He will attend Lincoln Memorial University and plans to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree and a Master’s Degree in Business.

BPA Dawns a New Day

BPA President Martin Shafer, Sterling Benton, Chantay Collins celebrate with a group hug.

BPA President Martin Shafer, Sterling Benton, Chantay Collins celebrate with a group hug.

Declaring it's a new day in UT Athletics, Sterling Henton electrified the Union County Business & Professional Prayer Breakfast with his energy, his optimism, and his voice. After BPA President Martin Shafer introduced Sterl the Pearl as he was known in his New Jersey high school and into his college career at the University of Tennessee, Sterling explained that he really never intended to go to college in the South. In 1987, he was focused on leading his high school to a state championship in three different sports. Alabama called, he refused. Florida called, he refused.

Corum/ Riddle 2018 BPA Woman and Man of the Year

Gail Corum and Rick Riddle 2018 BPA Woman and Man of the Year

With support from a packed house of well wishers, Union County Business & Professional Association named Gail Corum and James (Rick) Riddle as the 2018 Woman & Man of the Year at the 28th Annual Banquet held at the Union County Senior Center. Ms.Corum serves as the current Chairperson for UCBPA Charities, Inc. and administers the finances for UCBPA Scholarships as well as other agencies. In addition, she serves as treasurer for UCBPA. She volunteers with Union County Children's Charities: Under the Tree and worked to get the 501c3 certification.

UCBPA Seeks Nominees for Man & Woman 2017

UCBPA Seeks Nominees for Man & Woman 2017

Nominations are now open for Union County Business & Professional Association Man & Woman of 2017. Anyone in Union County may make a nomination. Nominees shall be residents of Union County or gainfully employed in Union County or a current member of UCBPA. Nominees may perform service as a result of their job or as volunteers and demonstrate good citizenship for others to emulate.
