Farm Bureau

Shooting Hunger boosts FFA backpack program

Representatives of Tennessee Farm Bureau, Tennessee Coop, and Farm Credit Mid-America award a donation to Union County FFA

Lakin Booker, Vice President of Horace Maynard FFA Chapter at UCHS, holds the check for $2700 from Shooting Hunger. Awarding the donation are Kristen Walker of Tennessee Farm Bureau, Manager Cody Brown and Eddie Thompson from Union County Farm Bureau, Lakin Booker, Joy Nease of UCFB, David Bunch of Union County Farmers Coop, and Ben Bradley from Farm Credit Mid-America/Rural 1st.

The Horace Maynard Future Farmers of America Chapter Backpack for Kids Program got a big financial boost on Thursday, June 9, 2022, from Shooting Hunger. As the Back Packs for Kids Program Administrator. Lakin Booker received the $2700 check On hand for the presentation was Kristen Walker of the Tennessee Farm Bureau. Manager Cody Brown and Board President Eddie Thompso, and Joy Nease represented the Union County Farm Bureau. David Bunch from the Union County Farmers Coop and Ben Bradley of Farm Credit Mid-America/Rural 1st also helped award the donation.

Farm Fresh Fun at Paulette Elementary School

4-H and FFA member, Keena Witt, assists Paulette Elementary students in learning about Swine in a hands on lesson

Agriculture partners joined forces in a pleasurable and educational event for Paulette Elementary School students on May 15. This was the 25th Annual Farm Day hosted in Union County. The event is hosted at one of the county’s five elementary schools each year, in rotation, so that every student in the county gets at least one attendance.

Farm Bureau Presents Scholarships

Scholarship recipients left to right: Ethan Dyer, Sawyer Henderson, Zachary Hickman

The May board meeting for Union County Farm Bureau was packed with excitement. Three scholarships were awarded as well as a presentation by State 4-H Council members and Tennessee 4-H Congress attendees.

Agriculture Creates Opportunity

Agriculture Creates Opportunity

One of the most important ways to invest in the future of agriculture is to invest in the people who will become tomorrow’s agriculture industry leaders. Students pursuing the agriculture industry often look for careers in planning, implementation, production, management, processing, education, or marketing ag products and services. Tennessee Department of Education predicts that over 60,000 high-skilled agricultural jobs open annually in the United States with just around 35,400 graduates in the Ag, Food, and Natural Resources program studies to fill the openings.