
Davis Sisters Celebrate Milestone Birthdays

Front row left is Goldie, to her right is Lorene photographed with all their brothers and families. Sitting next to Lorene is niece Beulah who owned Pete the cat

Deep rooted in the Black Fox community in Union County, Tennessee, sisters Lorene and Goldie Davis share a rich love for the county and an unwavering love of family instilled in them by their parents.

Movie Night in the Park

Summer is in full swing and Union County has a festive, family friendly event planned in the near future. The City of Maynardville along with Maynardville Public Library is sponsoring a Movie in the Park night at Wilson Park on Friday night, July 19, 2019.

Let Go and Let God

Photo by Sue Tharp

With the passing of time, it is essential to have the understanding of the importance of cherishing the little moments in life. Being able to enjoy these seconds to their fullest means the outburst of laughter, sharing of wisdom, and enhanced intuitiveness. Sandra Greene’s life is a depiction of this wisdom and peace.

Collect Memories Not Clutter

Thanksgiving is a time of family fellowship, thankfulness, and tradition. Spending time building memories with family and friends should be priority. The thankfulness of the holiday seems to be taken lightly by some as they are already preparing for the Christmas season. A season that should be of similar nature, geared around happiness, giving, and togetherness, now seems to have progressed into a more common time of stress, rushing and shopping. As the years pass, it seems as though festive stress is the commonality that comes with the Christmas season rather than the spreading of cheer.