Chicken Noodle and Corn Chowder

Canned soup to the rescue again. This makes a quick and tasty lunch. Over medium heat, saute onions in margarine until soft but not browned. Stir in chicken noodle soup, water, cream style corn, evaporated milk and pepper. Heat not quite to a boil. Sprinkle each serving with chopped chives.

Macular Degeneration and Me

I have my eyesight checked every year. My poor eyes have been through so much. I try to keep on top of their care. I have had 2 detached retinas as well as a sceral buckle on my right eye. That is a rubber band holding the eyeball in the correct shape. A visceral hemorrhage came along with one of the detached retinas on my right eye as well. There is an extra strong lens over it to help it track with the left one.

The Extending Tick Season

Tick season normally begins in Spring, but it seems to be backing up into the winter months.

Since I’m in the woods a lot it’s reasonable to assume that I would have more ticks get on board and use me as a meal. But the past couple of winters I have pulled ticks off every month of the year, including the winter months when they are normally dormant. That’s not right people! All of my bites have been deer tick, smaller and harder to see and feel crawling around. Now that your family is outside more with the warming weather, best start body checking yourself and the kids. Since it’s good to know your enemy, here is a rundown on the tick lifestyle.

Apple Grafting Class held March 28th

shows hands of person grafting an apple tree

Photo taken by Shawn Hendrickson, Tennessee Department of Agriculture Division of Forestry, Asst. District Forester-State Forests

Tennessee Department of Agriculture Division of Forestry and the UT Extension Union County office hosted an apple grafting class in Chuck Swan State Forest. This collaborative event gave participants a hands-on opportunity to learn how to graft apple tree varieties onto different rootstocks. Class attendees took home at least 3 new apple tree varieties.