Take a Walk

Walking may be, pound for pound, the most accessible, beneficial and inexpensive form of exercise available. The American Chiropractic Association recommends it as a way to stay fit.

A Short History of Southern Gospel

The original Fisk Jubilee Singers introduced ‘slave songs’ to the world in 1871 and were instrumental in preserving this unique American musical tradition known today as African American spirituals.

We enjoy the precision of the close 4-part harmony and inspirational messages in Southern Gospel music. But how did this form of music come about? The oldest tradition of Christian hymns was the singing of Old Testament Psalms.

The Big BANG Theory

When I was a kid I was no stranger to guns—that is, toy guns. All kinds of toy guns—from cap pistols to plastic machine guns—but never actual BB guns. My mother was too much like Ralphie in A Christmas Story, afraid I’d shoot my eyes out!

Them Rides

Who doesn’t like having things to look forward to? As a child, birthdays and Christmases were at the top of my list. If you’re thinking it’s because of the presents, you would be correct. Next, was going to the fair. While there no gifts, there was plenty of adventure to be had.