About my love of animals

A girl and her donkey friends

I have mentioned in a previous article about my love for animals and listed some of the animals that I love. I thought this month I would expand on that and tell you a little more about them and why I love them. I will start with my absolute favorite animal.
My favorite animal on the planet is the bettong. Have you ever heard of this animal? I had not heard of it until I saw it on an episode of the Rachael Ray show.

The Last Hunt

By Robert Wyrick
To the best of my recollection, it was the winter of 1953 when my cousin Ralph came up from his home in Loyston to my place in Hickory Valley to spend a few days to help my daddy in his radio repair shop.
Now, as my luck would have it, Ralph brought along Old Rattler, his blue tick hunting dog. At the time, Rattler was known far and wide as the best possum dog to ever roam the hills of Union County.

Union County Public Speaking Contest

James Whitley- Front row in the middle.

The Union County 4-H Public Speaking Contest allows youths to highlight their exceptional presentation abilities in a supportive environment. Youth learn from professionals as well as their fellow 4-H members.
On February 6th, 2024, 4-H member grades 4-8 gathered at Horace Maynard Middle School for the annual County Public Speaking contest.