Veterans Luncheon Successful and Tasty!

Over 20 Union County Veterans enjoyed another fantastic meal at the American Legion Building at noon on March 4th! Veteran Volunteers Audry Hanken, Bob Horner, Sally Jones, and Carla Moman prepared a most delicious lasagna, garden salad, garlic rolls and a low sugar chocolate pudding with graham cracker dessert! Delicious food all prepared with gratitude and served free to any and all Union County Veterans! Are you a Veteran? Were you there? Be sure to catch the next meal crafted with love and thanks by Margo McCaffery and the Union County Veteran Volunteers!!

A Matter of Interpretation

It is an old cliché that there are two things no one can escape in this world—death and taxes. Governments throughout history have supported themselves with taxes from their citizens. The Bible references taxation in several places. Jesus was born while his earthly parents were on a journey to be counted in a census in response to a decree that all the world should be taxed. One of Jesus’ disciples was a tax collector. Zacchaeus, who climbed a sycamore tree the Lord for to see, was a tax collector.

Wrongway Feldman

As Tim drove the car back down Mine Road, I felt like Wrongway Feldman from the TV series “Gilligan’s Island.” In case you’re unfamiliar with him, he was a pilot who always flew his plane in the wrong direction. While we weren’t traveling in an airplane, we were traveling in the opposite direction from our destination.