UC raises funds for safe water in Uganda

UNION COUNTY, Tenn. (March 27, 2024) – Three local churches are sponsoring the 2024 Walk 4 Water Union County Fundraiser on Sunday, May 19.
St. Teresa of Kolkata Catholic Church, Irwin’s Chapel United Methodist Church and Miller’s Chapel United Methodist Church aim to help raise funds for two deep water wells for remote villages in Uganda that do not have access to clean, safe water. All funds raised will go toward the drilling of safe water boreholes for the villages of Kaseun and Amonikakinea B in Eastern Uganda.
The wells will be drilled, installed and maintained by Water 4 Kids International, a division of Hope 4 Kids International, a non-profit working to provide clean water to children and families who are suffering through extreme poverty and disease. Each well has the potential to impact thousands of villagers for up to 50 years.
“We invite Union County residents of all ages and backgrounds to come together to celebrate the blessed life we have here and to help spread the blessings to others suffering from extreme poverty and lack of access to clean, safe water in Uganda,” said Desiree Hensley, Walk 4 Water Union County chair.
Participants will walk one mile around Wilson Park and Union County High School, symbolizing the long distance Ugandan women and children travel to retrieve water, largely from unprotected sources including open ponds, livestock water points and polluted ditches. There will be education stations at this year’s event to shed light on life without access to clean, safe water.
Attendees can purchase great food, desserts, and snacks from Nacho Bisnez and Cub Scouts Pack 401. Each will donate a portion of their proceeds to the fundraiser. Free ballon twists and face painting will be provided to the children participating.
Hensley added, “We are incredibly excited to have the UCHS Navy Junior ROTC Color Guard, UCHS Marching Band, Cub Scouts Pack 401 and Boy Scouts Troop 401, bluegrass and worship bands, and the Union County Line Dancers. It will be a fun day for all!”
For more information, and to register or donate to Walk 4 Water Union County visit w4ki.org/w4wunioncounty
About Hope 4 Kids International
Hope 4 Kids International is a Christian, non-profit organization, headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona. Leading teams on exciting, life-changing short-term missions to projects around the world, Hope 4 Kids International is committed to serving impoverished children who are hurting physically, emotionally and spiritually. Teams bring relief to poverty-stricken villages by providing clean water, building medical and dental clinics and establishing emergency medical funds. Our strategies are designed to help villagers become self-sufficient through lifesaving programs. We carry the message of God’s love and hope through these impacting outreaches.
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