Students score perfect on CASE

Students who made a perfect score on CASE Assessments.

The Board of Education recognized students across Union County who achieved perfect scores on the Collaborative Assessments Solutions for Educators (CASE), This assessment is used by Union County educators to determine the rigor and strengh of instruction with regards to the state TCAP test. The assessment mirrors the TCAP and helps to project the TCAP results.

Dr. Lauren Effler, Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction, distributed the awards and provided the photos. Achieving a perfect score on the Case Assessment were Big Ridge Elementary: Kaison Rice 2nd grade Math, Rhett Moore 2nd grade Math, Dallace King 1st grade ELA, Luke Goforth 5th grade Math. Maynardville Elementary: Isabella Rivera 1st grade ELA, Paulette Elementary: Elijah Weaver 2nd grade Math, and Horace Maynard Middle School: Jeremiah Johnson 8th grade Math.