Plainview clears streets during snow

Plowing Planview roads

Mayor Beeler's promise to clear the roads of ice and snow was fulfilled during the snow on January 10, that brought three to four inches to Plainview and varied amounts throughout Union County. Lynn VanDyke and Wendell Wise, Plainview's snow crew, spent several hours over the weekend to make sure citizens could get to Tazewell Pike which had been cleared by TDOT.

Children can enjoy being out of school for Friday and Monday but will not be able to go sledding in most of the city. The warm temperature on Monday melted most of the snow, but the weather service is cautioning drivers to watch for black ice due to the frigid evening temperatures in the teens for the next few days.


The Plainview Snow Crew, Lynn VanDyke and Wendell Wise, is ready to clear the snow. [Photo by Vice Mayor Richard Phillips]

Making streets safe in Plainview

Snow blanketed Plainview and Union County last Weekend.