Imagination Library Mails Millionth Book

Union County children celebrating at the Imagination Library One Millionth Book Party at Maynardville Public Library. Left bench, Scarlett and Clara Hughes, Leyton Campbell; Right bench, Nettie Mike and Payson Miller
Each month, nearly eight hundred books are mailed out to children across Union County through Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library Governor’s Books from Birth Foundation. Maynardville Public Library hosts as the headquarters of the foundation here in Union County, investing their time and efforts in assuring that the hundreds of children in the county that have signed up for the free program are receiving their reading materials each and every month.
Nearing two years heading the program, the library was ecstatic to celebrate the one-millionth book being mailed out to Union County children. In celebration, they planned an Imagination Library One Millionth Book Party on Saturday, November 16, 2019 from 10:00 am until 12:00 pm. Youths and their families were invited to celebrate with Dolly. A trendy Dolly photo opp was set up along with sprinkling, sparkly sweet treats for the kids in just the proper Dolly style. The kids each received a prize pack backpack filled with fun books and activities to take home. Butterfly crafts were festively available at the event as well.
The Imagination Library invites all children ages zero to five to join. It is simple and provides a monthly, high quality, age appropriate book to all registered children, addressed to them and at no cost to the family. Parents and families continue to share the child’s excitement upon the receiving of their book each month. Many groups and individuals work hard behind the scenes to make that special moment possible for each child.
If you have a child age five and under and live within Union County, do not miss out on this opportunity! Drop in Maynardville Public Library, located on Main Street, shoot them a message on Facebook or call 865-992-7106 to get your children signed up and let their imaginations soar as they dive into the many books and mindful adventures they will receive from this amazing program. If you are signed up and have an address change or have had trouble getting your books, be sure to contact the library and keep your information up to date.
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