Fire departments report equipment purchases

Tom Fitzharris applauds Union County Commissioners, the public and fire departments for a very successful Fireman's Fundraiser.
At the Union County Commission last month, the fire departments reported on the expenditures of the First Annual Fireman’s Fundraiser hosted by Tom Fitzharris of TK’s Gourmet Food Wagon in conjunction with a county donation of $15,000 and contributions from several businesses and individuals. Maynardville purchased high capacity batteries. Sharps Chapel purchased battery powered equipment, high capacity batteries and rescue equipment. Luttrell replaced all of the worn-out nozzles with variable intensity nozzles to enable high capacity water flow in multiple directions. Paulette replaced O-rings and matched a forestry grant to add supporting equipment to the turn out gear. Northeast Union purchased an EV Bucket for electric vehicle fires to be shared by all departments. All departments were extremely grateful for the assistance from the fundraiser as well as the money from a county community block development grant and the local funding in the FY25 budget. Fitzharris plans to host a second Fireman’s Fundraiser later this year.
Several announcements were made at the meeting. Union County Health Department is conducting a survey that will drive health department services over the next three to five years. Union County had a warming center in the J.C. Baker Lodge during the recent cold temperatures. Justin Collins, Samantha Brantley and Heather Johnson coordinated the center. The Union County Republican Party will meet on February 22.
Mayor Jason Bailey reported that the first of three bond issues for the new middle school had been administered. The rate is 3.44 percent. Union County received an excellent bond rating of AA- which is equivalent to many larger cities with much greater revenues. He also noted that the Luttrell Industrial Park appraised at $275,000.
A motion by Commissioner Sidney Jessee, Jr. was approved to authorize Mayor Bailey to contact Attorney Mary Ann Stackhouse and formulate a contract for a six-month option with contingencies on the Hubbs property discussed at the November Commission meeting. Commissioner Greg Dyer, who seconded the motion, stated that the property was scheduled to be released from bankruptcy 30 days after January 28, 2025. Commissioners Jones, Lay, Simmons, Cox and Cooke did not approve. Commissioner Boles was absent due to illness.
The Union County Commission unanimously passed a resolution to support public funds for only public schools. The resolution was sent to Senator Jessie Seal and Representative Dennis Powers. Senator Seal honored the wishes of the commission and the Union County Board of Education as well as numerous citizens to try to defeat the voucher bill. However, Governor Lee's bill to give public money to private schools at the rate of $7,075 per child and known as the Education Freedom Act passed the Senate with a vote of 20 to 13. The House voted 54 to 44 to approve the bill. Representative Dennis Powers voted to give the money to private schools. Neither vote was along party lines but represented a consensus of opinions across the aisle. The Education Freedom Act will give a maximum of 20,000 scholarships in 2025-2026 and is expected to increase by several thousand per year.
Counties across Tennessee are asking the state to award a portion of the Transfer Tax on real estate to counties to help fund the infrastructure needed for growth in population. Union County Commission approved a resolution to support this effort.
The Steiner property across from the courthouse has been cleared of the structures where the old post office and the City Cafe were located. Commission voted $100,000 to slope, pave, and stripe the area for a parking lot to serve the courthouse and area businesses. B&C Paving will have the contract.
The Sharps Chapel community has been busy restoring the Rush Strong School Building. The county roofed the building. Community members donated funds to purchase windows and place a placard to honor each donor.
Commission approved a contract with TDOT to maintain signage on state roads. Superintendent David Cox recommended the addition of Panoramic Road and Booker Road to the county road list. Commission agreed with his request and approved the road list. Cox has also worked with the North RPO (Road Planning Organization) to secure a three-way stop by TDOT at the intersection of SR 61 and Walkers Ford Road. Traffic will stop in all directions and take turns traveling through the intersection. TDOT will use state safety money to improve the intersection. Per the contract, Union County will maintain the signage.
Randy Turner, Assessor of Property, requested to use money from a vacant position to raise the salary of other department employees by $3.15 per hour. Commissioners approved his request. Turner also noted that he may be using some college interns in the office during the summer as he travels to review about 20 percent of the county's 15,000 parcels.
Deputy Finance Director Stacy Warwick explained the budget amendments and transfers. Most dealt with grants, routine movement of funds and the funding of the amended teacher salary schedule. Commission approved all budget amendments and transfers. However, county surplus brought some debate over the surplus and transfer of nine vehicles to Hancock County for $1 each at the request of Sheriff Breeding. The request failed. Another sheriff’s request to give the latest K9 to its trainer for $1 also caused discussion. The motion not to donate the dog to the tainer passed so the sheriff will continue to have three K9’s. Warwick also explained the terms and cost of contracts for pest control, trash pickup and a translation service for the health department. All were approved. Judge Patterson is vacating his current office that is located on Maynardville Highway. He has offered space for the Opioid Abatement Board at a cost of $1300 per month for rent and internet as well as the use of a conference room. Commission approved the contract which can be paid from the opioid funds.
The next Union County Commission meeting will be on Monday, February 24, at 7 p.m.
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